These are the ramblings of a wanna-be writer and enamored reader. They promise to be raw, enthusiastic and probably repetitive and ramble-y. But they are a true representation of my word-filled mind trying desperately to sort out the feelings and thoughts that consume me as I read. Enjoy?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

In 2010,

I learned that family is a pretty nice thing to have, and that grandparents are especially special.

I got a job that is so perfect for me that I know God had it in mind all along. I learned that I don’t have to be what the world expects. I learned that even though I may have my own plans, only God knows the plans He has for me, and they’re a whole lot better than mine.

I lost 20 pounds. I learned that I don’t love sweets that much. :)

I went to the beach (which I normally hate) with a bunch of wonderful girls, and had a blast. I was reminded that God always provides, especially when it’s for His glory. I learned that I love serving people, especially giving food as some tangible sign of God’s love and provision. I also learned that turning 20 is gonna be so awful. :)

I smiled every single Sunday thanks to a bunch of wonderful children.

I learned that I am not alone in my struggles.

I watched my brother show love in ways I’ve never seen before. It was weird at first.

I learned that my sister is actually a good person to talk to sometimes. :)

I went to NC for Fairview’s 20th Anniversary. I learned that I really miss NC and being a kid.

I was reminded that I am loved by some pretty wonderful friends. I learned to appreciate them.

I learned that my mom is one of my best friends.

I cried.

I laughed.

I worried.

I tried my best to trust.

I failed miserably, but He let me try again and again and again.

I learned that I waste far too much time on the computer.

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